Assalamualaikum people :)

Alhamdulillah, after facing some difficulty we managed to posted our video in YOU TUBE :)
Since our group mate's laptop (Feni) always shut down with no warning,  it made the process to render the video took a lot of time and we have to do it for several times. Alhamdulliah, after so many try and error done to completely produce this video, we made it.. yay! ^^

Thanks to Feni, for your hard work.
Thanks to all of group mates too: Azizah, Norini, Azura, Marini, Juariah, and me, Hasida ;)
To Dr. Lihanna, Thank you so much for assisting us with all these great projects:)

Here, our link,

Enjoy watching :)

Thank you <3


Assalamualaikum to our lovely readers!!! Todays, I would like to share with you one of the theory in psychology which is Gestalt Theory. What is Gestalt Theory?

From my understanding Gestalt Theory is emphasized the importance of organizational process in perception, learning, and problem solving. It refers to theories of visual perception developed by German psychologists in the 1920s. These theories attempt to describe how people tend to organize visual elements into groups or unified wholes when certain principles are applied.

There are several basic ideas to emerge from Gestalt psychology which are:
Ø  Perception is often different from reality
Ø  The whole is more than the sum of its parts
Ø  An organism structures and organizes experience
Ø  An organism is predisposed to organize experience in certain ways

These principles are:

(1)    Law of proximity
-          People tend to perceive as a unit those things that are close together in space.

We see objects close to each other as forming a group.

(2)    Law of similarity
-          People tend to perceive as a unit those things that physically resemble one another
-          We group elements if they are similar to each other.

(3)    Law of closure
-          People tend to fill in missing pieces to form a complete picture. For example, people tend to filled in missing segments of what appeared to be continuous lines to perceive a circle.
We perceptually complete objects that are incomplete

(4)    Law of Pragnanz
-          Learning that involves the formation of memory traces. 

 Something is always "the object", the rest is "background". This effect is often used in optical illusions like the well-known Rubin Vase above. Do you see the vase or the two faces?

Interesting right?? We hope this post can help you more understanding about Gestalt Theory.
Thanks you. Have a nice day. =)

What is explicit and implicit knowledge?
Let's look their differences.

Explicit knowledge is the knowledge that we can easily recall and explain. Whereas, implicit knowledge is the knowledge that we can't consciously recall or explain but that nevertheless affects our behavior.

There are four ways on how knowledge is encoded in long term memory which are :

a) Encoding in terms of Physical Characteristic

It is involves part of our brain to interpret what we see, hear, smell and so on in helping us to encode and remember what we've observed. We can remember images based on most of our sensory.

b) Encoding in terms of actions

It is involve mental representations of particular movements of the arms, hands. neck. leg and so on.

c) Encoding in terms of symbol

Basically, symbol is something that represents an object or event without bearing much resemblance to the thing its stands for.

d) Encoding in terms of meaning

We can easily remember some information if the information have meaning that we understand.

Assalammualaikum and hye to all our faithful reader! :)

Today, we want to share with you about Long Term Memory. There are two general distinctions regarding the long term memory which are :

a) Declarative knowledge
b) Procedural knowledge

Declarative Knowledge

It concerns about "HOW THINGS ARE, WERE OR WILL BE". It enables to interpret what you see around you, recall the past events and recognize important people and places in your life. There are two distinct forms which are :

a) Episodic memory
b) Semantic memory

Now, we start with Episodic memory .

It is one's memory of personal life experiences such as :

     Birthday Celebration                                                             Wedding ceremony

Usually, we remember events that we've personally experienced. We can often recall when a particular event happened to us.

It's differ with the Semantic memory. Semantic memory is one;s general knowledge of the world independent of those experiences such as :

Once we see it, we know it is Malaysian flag because it is a general knowledge. But, sometimes we can't recall the specific facts about the world.

Now, we move on to Procedural knowledge. Procedural knowledge involves knowing "HOW TO DO THINGS". For instance:


How to ride a bicycle?                     How to add the numbers?               How to wrap a gift?

It is includes :

a) Conditional knowledge : It is includes information about how you respond under different circumstances
b) Conceptual knowledge : Reflects our understanding why certain events happened.

Okay. We will continue with more interesting topic to be learn later. Stay tuned! :)

Asslamualaikum people :)

Lets move to revision on working memory ;)

Definition of WM: component of memory in which active thinking occurs.

It have sub component called central executive : the task is to controls and monitors the flow and use of information  throughout the memory system.

Characteristics of working memory

  • CAPACITY: very limited capacity, characterized by magical number 7, plus or minus 2 
                              chunking: increases the amount of information that the limited space of working 
                                                memory can hold. 
  • STORAGE: encoded in an auditory form (if language) , visual, spatial and tactile forms.
                            : separate storage systems - 
                               1. Phonological loop: keep a small amount of auditory information fresh through 
                                                                  constant repetition.

                               2. Visuospatial sketchpad: allows manipulation and short term retention of visual  

                               3. Episodic buffer: overall understanding of a particular situation or episode.
  • DURATION: short. less than 30 seconds! and in many cases, may considerably shorter than this.        

Control processes in working memory
  • ORGANIZATION: pulling together two or more pieces of information into an integrated unit.
  • RETRIEVAL: process of scanning all of working memory's contents, successively and exhaustively,
                                until desired information is found.
  • MAINTENANCE REHEARSAL: repeating the information again and again. For example  
                                                                 remembered friends phone number.

Thank you :)

Assalamualaikum everyone!

Today, as a revision for final exam, we would like to talk on sensory memory. What is SENSORY MEMORY?

--------------> sensory memory is the ability to retain the sensory information after the original stimulus has ceased.

The information in sensory memory only can retain for a very short time about a few seconds. Sensory memory received the information from our five senses.

---------------> there are two types of sensory memory; echoic and iconic memory. Echoic is specifically involved in processing auditory information. Whereas, iconic is uniquely used for processing visual information. Echoic memory can lasts for several seconds, but the iconic memory can lasts for only a fraction of a second. Iconic memory is responsible to create a visual image portrayed in the brain.

So, as a conclusion sensory memory is very important for our memory processes. This memory allow our brain to be aware or cautious of what is happening in our environment.

Picture 1: Sensory memory processes.

Picture 2: Five senses that responsible for sensory memory.

Assalamualaikum. Hye guys. In our psychology of learning classes, we also have learned about the "Reinforcement Schedules" Actually, the reinforcement schedules can be define as the schedule of reinforcement for a particular behavior and it will specifies whether every response is followed by reinforcement or only some response are followed by the reinforcement.

There are 4 basic types of reinforcement which are : 

  • reinforcer is presented after a certain constant number of response have occurred
  • Example: A piano teacher gives a 6 years old student a cute sticker for each song that he manage to play very well 

  • reinforcement occurs after an average number of response.
  • number of responses required for reinforcement is unpredictable
  • Example: A boy demands a candy bar each time she is in the gocery store. Sometimes, the parents will buy it for him and sometimes they are not buy it.
  • a reinforcer is delivered for the first response after a preset time interval has elapsed
  • Example: Your paycheck will be arrives on the 1st and the 15th of every month
  • A reinforcer is delivered for the first response after an average time interval has elapsed 
  • the interval is unpredictable
  • Example: A teenager receive an allowance every saturday.
Assalamulaikum w.b.t to readers ;)

Sorry for the late post. This post should be posted on 1st May but due to some problem, I posted today :)
Today (1/5/13)  is SMARTIES second meeting for animal training. and YES! we brought the G-YOMI (our hamsters) to the maze :D We have make a "small renovation" for the maze..added some bottle and smaal wood as the challenge for G-YOMI.
Here, we presented 3 videos G-YOMI training. Lets enjoy the video!

First trial. It took 3.34 minutes for G-YOMI to complete the task.

Second trial: 2.02 minutes :)

Third trial: 1.31 minutes ! :))

Thank you for reading <3

Assalamualaikum to readers :)

Sorry for the very late post for the update da'wah project. This is our poster :)

Slight changes, where our target behavior is our level mate in the Mahallah. we try to strengthen the ukhwah by doing all the four things above: give salam, say sorry, smile and say thank you.

This poster has been pasted in the board  to each of the room at our level and also in front of the toilet door :)

Thank you fro reading <3

Assalamualaikum to Dr  Lihanna and friends :)

Alhamdulillah we are moving to the ANIMAL TRAINING PROJECT despite of having da'wah project..well, both need to be work at the same. :)
For today (yesterday), we have done the maze for the animal training and special day with the hamster. We have decided to give him name as "G-yomi" hehe :D
We have met at Musolla Halimatus Saadiah started from 3pm untill 7pm >.<

Let's look at our work process in doing the maze :)

Ladies smarties: Norini (left) and Marini (right) 










Small 'renovate' will be done on the next meeting :)

Next, presenting our G-YOMI =) soooo cute... :)

Soooo hyper active too >.<


We will take turn take care the G-yomi :)
Thank you for reading. 
Wasalam :)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t everyone! after discussion among us, within this week we already started to observe our target individual. Here our baseline measurement that we use to observe our target. We have decided that each one of us will find one person to observe his/her behavior before and after the modification. Everyday we will tick the target individual behavior based on our baseline measurement in term of schedule to make our task more easier. We will observe the target individual everyday and after observation, we will tick at the schedule either he/she do according to what we want to observe. We named our project as 3S 1T; Salaam, Smile, Sorry and Thank you.

Give salam when met friends
Smile when met friends /strangers
Say thank you to others
Say sorry when doing faults

MANNER/VERBAL (communication with friends)







The changes in baseline measurement.

Assalamualaikum everyone! Today, we had a few minutes consultation with Dr Lihanna and after discussed something with her, we decided to change our baseline measure. There it is :

Targeted individual : each one of us will find one person to observe her behavior before and after the modification. 

Baseline measure : we only concern on "MANNER" only, because before this we decided to concern on "CLEANLINESS AND MANNER".

We will observe him/her and do some intervention which covers on the aspect of
                      - say thank you to others
                      - smile when met friends/strangers
                      - say sorry when doing faults
-say these words instead of "Great, wow, yes, Oh God, amazing or others. 


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.. hi everyone! Today we learned about social cognitive theory that reflect on human learning involves watching, observing and interacting with other people. This such theory of modelling is the focus of Albert Bandura's theory. There are some component processes for effective modelling :

     a)modeled events - distinctiveness
                                  - affective valence
                                  - complexity
                                  - prevalence
                                  - functional value
     b)observer characteristics
                                  - sensory capacities
                                  - arousal level
                                  - perceptual set
                                  - past reinforcement


      a)symbolic coding
      b)cognitive organization
      c)symbolic rehearsal
      d)motor rehearsal


      a)physical capabilities
      b)self observation of reproduction
      c)accuracy of feedback

