What is explicit and implicit knowledge?
Let's look their differences.

Explicit knowledge is the knowledge that we can easily recall and explain. Whereas, implicit knowledge is the knowledge that we can't consciously recall or explain but that nevertheless affects our behavior.

There are four ways on how knowledge is encoded in long term memory which are :

a) Encoding in terms of Physical Characteristic

It is involves part of our brain to interpret what we see, hear, smell and so on in helping us to encode and remember what we've observed. We can remember images based on most of our sensory.

b) Encoding in terms of actions

It is involve mental representations of particular movements of the arms, hands. neck. leg and so on.

c) Encoding in terms of symbol

Basically, symbol is something that represents an object or event without bearing much resemblance to the thing its stands for.

d) Encoding in terms of meaning

We can easily remember some information if the information have meaning that we understand.


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