Assalamualaikum people :)

Alhamdulillah, after facing some difficulty we managed to posted our video in YOU TUBE :)
Since our group mate's laptop (Feni) always shut down with no warning,  it made the process to render the video took a lot of time and we have to do it for several times. Alhamdulliah, after so many try and error done to completely produce this video, we made it.. yay! ^^

Thanks to Feni, for your hard work.
Thanks to all of group mates too: Azizah, Norini, Azura, Marini, Juariah, and me, Hasida ;)
To Dr. Lihanna, Thank you so much for assisting us with all these great projects:)

Here, our link,

Enjoy watching :)

Thank you <3


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