Asslamualaikum people :)

Lets move to revision on working memory ;)

Definition of WM: component of memory in which active thinking occurs.

It have sub component called central executive : the task is to controls and monitors the flow and use of information  throughout the memory system.

Characteristics of working memory

  • CAPACITY: very limited capacity, characterized by magical number 7, plus or minus 2 
                              chunking: increases the amount of information that the limited space of working 
                                                memory can hold. 
  • STORAGE: encoded in an auditory form (if language) , visual, spatial and tactile forms.
                            : separate storage systems - 
                               1. Phonological loop: keep a small amount of auditory information fresh through 
                                                                  constant repetition.

                               2. Visuospatial sketchpad: allows manipulation and short term retention of visual  

                               3. Episodic buffer: overall understanding of a particular situation or episode.
  • DURATION: short. less than 30 seconds! and in many cases, may considerably shorter than this.        

Control processes in working memory
  • ORGANIZATION: pulling together two or more pieces of information into an integrated unit.
  • RETRIEVAL: process of scanning all of working memory's contents, successively and exhaustively,
                                until desired information is found.
  • MAINTENANCE REHEARSAL: repeating the information again and again. For example  
                                                                 remembered friends phone number.

Thank you :)


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